Ukrainian law obliges companies to insure the most dangerous aspects of their operation. This protects financial interests of businesses and other stakeholders. For in case of any harm done to employees, third parties or the environment, an insurance policy guarantees company’s ability to compensate for losses done, even if they exceed its reserves.

If you are looking for a reliable partner to insure such risks, Allianz Ukraine is the company you need. We have vast experience insuring companies of different sizes and nature of business.

  • Financial strength and reliability are confirmed by the company’s insurance reserves, reinsurance coverage, unique experience and professional skills of the staff.
  • Allianz has the following financial ratings: Standard and Poor’s rating of АА and Moody’s rating of Аа3 and A.M.Best’s rating of A+.
  • Quick negotiation and conclusion of insurance agreements.
  • Assistance in assessing risk level and choosing insurance plans to meet individual needs of every customer to the greatest possible extent.
  • Flexible rate and discount system based on customer’s type of business and other factors that are essential for measuring the degree of risk.